A child placing a sunflower in the barrel of a rifle; a yellow-blue dove clutching an olive branch in its beak; flowers growing in a military helmet; an elderly man walking hand in hand with a child, while the words ‘Hope’ and ‘Future’ are repeated like an auspicious mantra. These are some of the 15 […]
ContinueCESVI generators have arrived in Bucha to supply heat and energy
To help people who are currently suffering from the cold, CESVI acted promptly by setting up 11 heating points in the city of Bucha: heated places thanks to the generators that were delivered just today. With this intervention, we estimate to bring warmth to over 20,000 people in the coming weeks.
Continue#UNACOPERTAPERLUCRAINA: CESVI and the Municipality of Bergamo together against the cold emergency in Ukraine
In the city of Bucha CESVI, together with the government authorities and the Municipality of Bergamo, is setting up 11 heating points, heated structures where the civilian population can take refuge during the day to warm up, find comfort and receive blankets, food and hot drinks. The heating points are mostly located near public buildings to be able to use the internet line, the toilets and a place of shelter in the event of missile attacks and are equipped with heating systems that can be switched between electricity, wood and gas according to the availability of the energy sources foreseen by the Government.
ContinueUKRAINE: winter is putting the lives of millions at risk
To face the winter, CESVI is setting up 26 heating points for 20,000 people, heated structures where the population can take refuge to find comfort and receive blankets, food and hot drinks. The most urgent and relevant needs concern children under 3 years of age. We want to provide the population who have chosen to stay in Ukraine with basic necessities such as milk, energy bars, baby food for the little ones, biscuits, hot drinks and blankets.
Continue5 months of war: Our response for the people of Ukraine
Five months after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the situation in the country and its neighbouring countries continues to be very worrying. Currently, according to the United Nations, more than 6.1 million people have fled the war and found refuge in European countries, while internally displaced persons (IDPs) have reached 6.3 million – of […]
ContinueUkraine Emergency: Cesvi meets the authorities of the Kyiv Oblast
Cesvi Foundation, the first Italian NGO to meet the authorities of the Kyiv Oblast, reports the outcome of the first meeting held today in the regional administration building in Kyiv, first with General Olexander Pavliuk, Head of Kyiv Regional Military Administration, and Oleksii Kuleba, Head of Humanitarian Activities of the Kyiv Oblast. The meetings were […]
ContinueThe Prem Rawat Foundation with Cesvi to respond to the Ukraine Emergency
Following its support during the Coronavirus emergency, the earthquake in Haiti last year, and its support of the House of Smile in Peru, The Prem Rawat Foundation continues to stand by Cesvi in its efforts to respond to the current crisis in Ukraine. “Prem Rawat and all of us at TPRF are deeply concerned about […]
ContinueAt the start PEACE OF ART, charity auction in favour of Cesvi for the Ukraine Emergency
From social networks to a concrete help: as the conflict in Ukraine continues, the Instagram page @putinpeace which in going on to collect artworks and generosity from all over the world as a shout against the Russian invasion, launches from the 1st of April until the 13th, PEACE OF ART, an online charity auction in […]
ContinueUkraine Emergency: Cesvi alongside the population in the country
DONATE NOW FOR THE EMERGENCY IN UKRAINE While attention is focused on the exodus of more than 4 million refugees, the humanitarian conditions inside Ukraine are increasingly dramatic. The country now seems to be split in half: on the one hand, eastern and south-eastern Ukraine, which lives daily with fighting and shelling whose intensity shows […]