Partnerships and memberships:

AGIRE Italian Agency for Emergency Response

ASviS Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development

Co.Lomba Lombardy NGOs Organization

Concord Italia Italian Platform linked to Concord (European NGO confederation for relief and development)

CTM Altromercato Fair Trade

ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

ELRHA Humanitarian Innovation Fund

Eurochild Network of organizations and individuals working in Europe to improve the quality of life of children and young people

GCAP Italia Global Coalition Against Poverty – Italy

Keeping Children Safe Network of organisations working together to increase safeguards offered to children

Link2007 Network of Italian NGOs

ManagerItalia – Un fiocco in azienda A program helping parents and companies to positively manage maternity

Mosaico Association for the management of Social Service

Rete WHP Bergamo Network of companies that promote health and wellness in the workplace

SIPEM Italian Society of Emergency Psychology

SODALITAS Association promoting Corporate Social Responsibility and partnership between profit and non-profit

VITA Italian magazine entirely devoted to non-profit

USAID United States Agency for International Development

Steering Groups:

CHS Alliance Network of organisations to improve humanitarian and development work through the application of standards for quality, accountability and people management

EISF European Interagency Security Forum

Eurostep European solidarity towards equal participation of people

Gruppo CRC Working group on UN Convention on Children Rights

Osservatorio AIDS Italian Network against HIV/AIDS

People in Aid International network of development and humanitarian agencies for better people management and support

PICUM Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants

PIDIDA Informal network for the rights of children and adolescents

TAVOLO MSNA Comune di Bergamo Collaboration agreement for building a working group aimed to create a supply chain for the hospitality of UFM with the Municipality of Bergamo

VOICE Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergency


ECOSOC Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy – General Direction on Immigration and Integrational Policies Register of bodies and associations supporting the migrants

Italian Military Navy Framework agreement for a technical and operational cooperation

UNAR – Office for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers Register of associations and bodies fighting against racial discriminations

Cooperation with Training Centres:

ALTIS Postgraduate School of Business & Society – Catholic University of Milan

ASERI Postgraduate School of Economics and International Relations – Catholic University of Milan

SDA Bocconi Asia Center Hub for SDA Bocconi School of Management in India

CeTAmb Research centre on technologies for environment management in Developing Countries – Brescia University

ISPI Italian Institute for International Political Studies

24 Ore Business School Master in Economics and Non Profit Management

Università Bicocca di Milano Master in water & sanitation

Università di Cagliari Cooperation on a project with the Department of History, Cultural and Territorial Heritage of the Cagliari University