Join “Changing future” on November 12th at 5.45 pm, live on Cesvi Facebook and Youtube channels. “Changing future” is the first event within the international programme 1Planet4All.
ContinueCesvi presented the new report “Solid Waste Management in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”
On December the 3rd, the new Cesvi report “Solid Waste Management in Occupied Palestinian Territory – West Bank Including East Jerusalem & Gaza” written by Mrs. Valerie Thöni and Eng. Samir Matar, was officially presented at the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) in Ramallah.
ContinueSomalia: gabion walls for river embankment
In Central Somalia, Cesvi built a 30 meter gabion wall to protect 2 villages from water overflows due to heavy rainfall during the rainy season.
ContinueDaniele Barbone is the new Chief Executive Officer of Cesvi
Barbone is one of the leading Italian experts on green economy.
ContinueEnsuring safe water during emergencies
Cesvi, CARITAS Switzerland and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) present the results of a reasearch that tested 420 water filters to be used in emergency contexts.
ContinueThe value of resilience in fragile communities
Cesvi and ODI launch a policy paper on livelihood and community resilience with two case-studies on Somalia and Zimbabwe.
ContinueWorld Responsible Tourism Awards: African Ivory Route won silver
The project, launched by Cesvi in 2000, helped the communities in sustainably managing natural resources and in taking advantage of livelihood opportunities of ecotourism.
ContinueDefeating hunger with “Shashe Citrus Orchard”
Seven years ago we bet on a project which has exceeded all expectations: Ellen, Shadreck and Hlengiwe’s stories prove our success.
ContinueAfrican Ivory Route at the World Responsible Tourism Awards
The project competes in the category “Best for Local Economic Benefit”. Winners will be announced on 7 November 2018.