Fondazione CESVI is among the non-profit organizations benefiting from the Fineco Christmas solidarity campaign, together with three other important organisations. From today until 12 January 2023, anyone who wants to donate will be able to contribute together with Fineco to carrying out CESVI projects in support of the Houses of Smile in Italy.
ContinueIn Zimbabwe we are working alongside local farmers to tackle the climate crisis
In Zimbabwe, the climate emergency, combined with hunger, leads the population to struggle every day to earn survival and dignified daily life.
ContinueCESVI generators have arrived in Bucha to supply heat and energy
To help people who are currently suffering from the cold, CESVI acted promptly by setting up 11 heating points in the city of Bucha: heated places thanks to the generators that were delivered just today. With this intervention, we estimate to bring warmth to over 20,000 people in the coming weeks.
Continue#UNACOPERTAPERLUCRAINA in support of severe cold emergency in Ukraine
The most extreme winter hasn’t arrived yet, but temperatures in Ukraine have already dropped a lot and are generating a new humanitarian emergency, which adds to the drama of a conflict that shows no signs of stopping. Together with the bombs the first snow falls and in war even the cold can become a weapon.#UNACOPERTAPERLUCRAINA
Continue#UNACOPERTAPERLUCRAINA: CESVI and the Municipality of Bergamo together against the cold emergency in Ukraine
In the city of Bucha CESVI, together with the government authorities and the Municipality of Bergamo, is setting up 11 heating points, heated structures where the civilian population can take refuge during the day to warm up, find comfort and receive blankets, food and hot drinks. The heating points are mostly located near public buildings to be able to use the internet line, the toilets and a place of shelter in the event of missile attacks and are equipped with heating systems that can be switched between electricity, wood and gas according to the availability of the energy sources foreseen by the Government.
ContinueTender notice for Lead Generation 2023 activities
CESVI invites interested companies to submit an estimate for this announcement, for Lead Generation activities for the acquisition of personal data and conversion into regular donors, if applicable – 2023; reference audience: Italy / users domiciled in Italy.
The specifications and details of the tender are indicated in the tender dossier, which can be requested by writing to the following address: [email protected]
KIDULT and CESVI FOUNDATION, together in support of the Houses of Smile
The world of Kidult jewels of the Mabina Spa company has decided to support CESVI in our intervention in support of the Houses of Smile in the world by donating 20% of the turnover generated by purchases made on the site:
ContinueFrom Palestine: games and activities for children in schools who learn health and hygiene practices while having fun
CESVI has been one of the realities present in Palestine since 1994, starting this year also with educational projects for girls and boys in fragile conditions, projects that promote integration and facilitate training courses aimed at learning health and hygiene practices.
ContinueSegafredo and Fondazione Zanetti Onlus with CESVI to give a smile to the children of the Manguinhos favelas in Brazil
“A smile for Brazil” is the solidarity initiative supported by Segafredo and the Zanetti Foundation Onlus to contribute to the House of Smile di Manguinhos of CESVI, in Rio de Janeiro, a meeting and welcoming place that has become a point of reference and a real oasis of serenity for all children and young people who come from violent backgrounds.