2022 saw us intervene and operate in 26 countries with 122 projects, directly reaching more than 770,000 people around the world, also thanks to the help of many donors who chose to stand by CESVI.
ContinueTender notice DLBY048/IOT/03 – Youth-centered dialogue for promoting peace and justice in Libya
Date 15.06.2023 Project Title: Youth-centered dialogue for promoting peace and justice in Libya Cesvi project Code: DLBY0048 Donor: EU Donor Project code: NDICI-THE-NEAR-2022/439-835 Procedure Code: DLBY048/IOT/03 Budget line: 6.9 Data collection TENDER NOTICE CESVI is an international NGO, with headquarters in Italy, operating in Libya. CESVI implements humanitarian aid operation and intends to apply […]
ContinueTender Notice DLBY048/IOT02 Provision of Research and data collection Consultancy
Date: 18.05.2023 Project Title: Youth-centered dialogue for promoting peace and justice in Libya Cesvi project Code: DLBY0048 Donor: EU Donor Project code: NDICI-THE-NEAR-2022/439-835 Procedure Code: DLBY048/IOT/02 Budget line: 6.9 Data collection TENDER NOTICE CESVI is an international NGO, with headquarters in Italy, operating in Libya. CESVI implements humanitarian aid operation and intends to apply a […]
ContinueTender Notice DLBY048/OLT01 Provision of Gender Research Consultant
Date 27.04.2023 Project Title: Youth-centered dialogue for promoting peace and justice in Libya Cesvi project Code: DLBY0048 Donor: EU Donor Project code: NDICI-THE-NEAR-2022/439-835 Procedure Code: DLBY048/IOT/01 Budget line: 6.6 Gender expert consultant TENDER NOTICE CESVI is an international NGO, with headquarters in Italy, operating in Libya. CESVI implements humanitarian aid operation and intends to apply […]
ContinueFlood emergency in Pakistan: with People In Need to ensure women’s dignity
The year 2022 was a terrible year for Pakistan marked by the worst flooding in the country’s history, which was one-third submerged by water. A humanitarian catastrophe that well represents the increasingly devastating effects of the climate crisis: since the beginning of summer 2022 torrential rains – up to 5 times more intense than the average of the last 30 years – have hit the Region.
ContinueThe Prem Rawat Foundation with CESVI to respond to the Earthquake Emergency in Turkey and Syria
TPRF, once again, alongside CESVI to give support to those who need it most and in particular, now, to the people affected by the earthquake last February 6th, in Syria and Turkey.
ContinueEarthquake Emergency in Türkiye: an unprecedented humanitarian disaster
Stay by our side. Donate to the Earthquake Emergency in Türkiye. A little over 3 weeks have passed since the strong tremors devastated Türkiye and Syria and the numbers are those of an unprecedented humanitarian disaster: 17 million people affected, 50,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands injured and over 1 million people with no homes […]
ContinuePeople in Need: two exhibitions in Milan to highlight the human consequences of war in Ukraine
Come le guerra mi ha rubato la casa due volte/ How the war stole my home twice Polina Budagovska Invasione/ Invasion Albert Lores These are the two exhibitions that People in Need – the Czech international humanitarian organisation part, together with CESVI, of the European network Alliance2015 – has organised in Milan to […]
ContinueEarthquake in Türkiye and Syria: 17 million people affected, more than 60,000 buildings rendered uninhabitable
1 million people have nowhere to go back to. Help is urgently needed. Continue to support us by donating here. “The crisis in the areas hit by the earthquake will go well beyond the three-month state of emergency that has been declared: it is essential to provide long-term material and psychological aid”. Raising the alarm […]