The strategy has been developed with Cesvi technical support.
ContinueNur Shams Camp, a safe and efficient waste management
In the Palestinian refugee camp, Cesvi supports UNRWA in solid waste management activities.
ContinueImproving rice production in Myanmar’s Dry Zone
Cesvi and its partners have tested and introduced in the area four improved rice varieties suited to the changing climate.
ContinueShashe village won irrigation schemes awards
The community irrigation scheme is running now for the Zimbabwe national competition.
ContinueSustainable Urban Mobility in Yangon
The “SUMP” project final conference presented to donors and stakeholders the outcomes achieved during the past two years.
ContinueRaising awareness on waste management in Tulkarem
A funny video about Cesvi’s commitment on waste management in Palestine.
ContinueEU Parliamentarians visiting Cesvi in Shufat
Palestine: Cesvi works in Shufat on solid waste management with a participatory approach.
ContinueGeneration Nutrition: The Role of Agriculture
The global civil society campaign releases a fact sheet on agriculture and nutrition.
ContinueAlliance2015 Members at COP22
Hivos and Helvetas are organizing and participating in several side events.