Following the important contribution of the Prem Rawat Foundation for the 2020 Coronavirus Emergency in Italy, the partnership with Cesvi is renewed in 2021 by supporting the Casa del Sorriso in Peru, particularly in favour of vulnerable childhood. The Foundation has contributed to the activities of the Casa del Sorriso in Lima to guarantee food security that Cesvi has carried out in the poorest areas of the city, precisely those surrounding the Casa del Sorriso.
Since March 2020, food insecurity has increased in Peru because of the closure of schools as a consequence of the pandemic and the increase in unemployment, so much so that the PMA – Programa Mundial de Alimentos estimated a 14% increase in food insecurity. Due to the lack of school canteens, a fundamental contribution to the nutrition of children and adolescents and to the family economy has been lost. The condition of children who live in the outskirts of Lima is often critical. There are, in fact, many cases of malnutrition as a consequence of an insufficient and not adequately balanced diet.
Thanks to the Prem Rawat Foundation’s valuable contribution, Cesvi has supported the Ollas Comunes, a form of mutual support that is completely self-organised at the local level and involves the donation of food and kitchen equipment and tools. Ollas Comunes multiplied during the pandemic to meet the food needs of the weakest members of Peruvian society and to guarantee children good health conditions.
With the support of TPRF, it has been possible to support the identified Ollas Comunes, delivering a wide variety of aliments including: seasonal vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, etc.), animal proteins (blue fish, offal for soups, livers, chicken), fruits (bananas, tangerines, apples, maracuja, etc.). All products that were not generally consumed by families and instead necessary to ensure a proper development in childhood.
Thanks to the Prem Rawat Foundation, Cesvi could assist food support – and consequently economic support – to the families most in need and could guarantee a healthy life and a better future to many children.