“Investing in nutrition for a sustainable future”: Cesvi joins the event in Brussels

In Zimbabwe Cesvi promuove la sicurezza alimentare e il raggiungimento dell'Obiettivo Fame Zero con l'agricoltura sostenibile. Foto di Giovanni Diffidenti, 2018.

On Tuesday December 4 Generation Nutrition organizes “Investing in nutrition for a sustainable future: current impact and future focus of the EU”, an hig-level event hosted by the British MEP Linda McAvan at the European Parliament in Brussels. A delegation from Cesvi will attend the event.

Generation Nutrition is a network of a wide range of civil society organisations – among which Cesvi – working to see an end to child undernutrition. A goal that can be achieved within a generation, if the political willingness will be strong enough.

The event aims to bring field and institutional perspectives together to take stock of the impact made so far by the EU as a global leader in fighting malnutrition and pave the way for renewed momentum, new commitments, and enhanced multi-stakeholder partnerships for nutrition after 2020.

We know that access to quality and inclusive education, health services, nutrition and social protection, are central to lifting people out of poverty and reducing inequalities. Yet decades of underinvestment in these areas have led to growing inequalities among and within countries: 1 in 3 people worldwide suffers from malnutrition, with 821 million people across the world suffering hunger and malnutrition.

The EU is currently renegotiating its 7-year Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 and redefining its relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries post 2020. At the same time, focus on domestic resource mobilization, innovative financing and mobilizing private sector investments is dominating the international cooperation agenda.

The 2021-2027 MFF and in particular the newly proposed Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) are pivotal to ensuring that the EU can substantially contribute to meeting the global nutrition targets and to eradicating all forms of malnutrition by 2030, as well as to meet the EU’s own commitments on stunting reduction by 2025.

At the event in Brussels specialists, independent researchers, EU policymakers, civil society and private sector representatives from EU partner countries will discuss future EU investments for ending all forms of malnutrition, pointing out which role partnerships with the private sector can play in this framework. and what the role of the private sector is effective multi-stakeholder partnerships in this. Furthermore, the function that new initiatives like the EU External Investment Plan play in ending malnutrition will be analysed, together with achievements obtained so far and how investments will be made in the next period.

Speakers include:

  • Linda McAvan, MEP Socialist and Democrats, DEVE Committee Chair – hosting and moderating the event
  • Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit C1, DEVCO
  • Magali Garcia, Advocacy Coordinator, Action Contre la Faim (Niger/Sahel)
  • Sara Worku, International partnership coordinator, People in Need (Alliance2015, Ethiopia)
  • Thomas Tichelmann, Attaché, Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) General Affairs Council (GAC), Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU
  • Charlotte Dufour, Consultant – food systems & nutrition – moderating the event
  • Marina Adamyan, Director, New Business & Partnerships, World Vision International, Armenia
  • Mathews Mhuru, Sun Business Coordinator, Zambia
  • Chipeigo Zulu, Chief Executive Officer at the Zambia Association of Manufacturers
  • Dr. Dorothee Starck, Head of Department, Development Policy, Permanent Representation of the Germany to the EU


Photo credits: Giovanni Diffidenti