A great achievement rewarding the fruitful collaboration between Cesvi and the Resilience Research Unit (Rires) from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). The prestigious scientific magazine “Child Abuse & Neglect” has published this December the article “Principle-driven program design versus manualized programming in humanitarian settings”, authored by Francesca Giordano from Università Cattolica and Michael Ungar from Dalhousie University (Canada). The article illustrates the validity of the methodology that Cesvi and Rires are piloting in Libya for designing and implementing culturally appropriate protection interventions in the complex humanitarian settings of Libya, with a focus on resilience. A shift in perspective from client vulnerability to strengths, adapting the procedures of case management by improving the relationship between case manager and the client and reducing the production of standardized time-consuming protocols and paperwork.
“Rather than helping staff provide services to more and more people as demand steadily increased, the standardized protocols (imported into the setting from other service settings) had become a way that case managers limited the size of their caseloads as it placed too many demands on their time. A new approach was developed through stakeholder input that emphasized the building of worker-client relationship”
The full article can be downloaded here.
Many thanks to the Resilience Research Unit team for this achievement; we are proud of this important collaboration.