More than 100 million people worldwide live through an endless night, forced to leave their homes. Right now, 155 countries are facing humanitarian emergencies, and it’s primarily children who are affected—93.7 million children, according to UNICEF.
From the war in Ukraine to earthquakes in Türkiye, Syria and Morocco, floods in Libya and Emilia-Romagna, drought in the Horn of Africa, and the dramatic situation in Gaza—countless crises have struck our world in the past year. These crises, whether natural or man-made, sudden or chronic, are causing devastation and millions of casualties.
We’ve reached the end of 2023 marred by conflicts and disasters. We at CESVI, who have been involved in Cooperation, Emergency, and Development for almost 40 years, more than ever reaffirm our commitment in the face of the many ongoing humanitarian catastrophes, caring for the most vulnerable. We’ll continue with even greater dedication to provide aid, support, and immediate assistance to populations in need worldwide, rebuilding hope and laying the foundation for a future of peace and prosperity for all.
Thanks to those who stood by our side and continue to dream of a better future for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.
It’s time to open our eyes together to give a new year of light and hope to those who still need us all.
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