Since the outbreak of the civil war, the situation in Libya has been continually unstable. The past conflict and protracted political crisis in Libya has had a significant impact on public services, especially health, social protection and education services. CESVI has been present in the country since 2011, as the first Italian NGO to intervene in support of the population after the outbreak of the civil war. Shifts in migration have also resulted in an influx of migrants and refugees entering into Libya from other conflict-affected countries.
In Libya, CESVI works with the most vulnerable and marginalized people, which includes Libyans, some of whom are internally displaced, and refugees and migrants. Assistance from CESVI focuses on protection and non-formal education in community centers and urban areas of the country. During 2023, Cesvi reached over 14,000 people in capacities such as:
- Social assistance for survivors of gender-based violence and for vulnerable minors;
- Community reception for migrants and refugees,
- Non-formal education for children outside the school system and remedial courses for children both theoufh day centers and in schools across the country;
- Psychosocial support for children and vulnerable adults;
- Distribution of basic necessities;
- Economic assistance
- Support to civil society
CESVI runs 8 projects across the country including Tripoli, Misrata, and Benghazi. In 2023, services extended to projects in Derna, Kufra and Sebha.
Current projects
Promotion of social inclusion
With this project, CESVI contributes to supporting Libyan civil society in the active promotion of community development and social inclusion with civil society organizations (CSOs). Aligning with the shift towards localized approaches that increase community involvement, empowerment and sustainability. This project builds capacity by providing mentorship in the following: strategic planning, organizational development, project cycle management, funding, financial management and human resources. In 2023, 8 CSOs were awareded with organisational grants and 6 with project grants while 10 were provided with mentoring training sessions. Also, an additional 4 CSOs were shortlisted for the project grants component and other 2 for the organisation grants with a completed shortlist of proposals for the informal comminity led initiatives ongoing.
Protection Services, Enabling Environment and Resilience
Through CESVI’s presence in Misrata, people in need benefit from quality, life-saving services and information. In 2023, 177 adults and 238 children received psychosocial support services through individual or group sessions as well as structured and unstructured activities in child-friendly spaces; 3 civil society organisations received economic assistance; 126 adults received protection services, 94 adults and 36 children received respectively gender-based violence and child protection case management services; 243 migrants were welcomed into the CESVI community reception system, 155 received economic assistance and basic necessities were distributed to 1078 families.
Protection and life-saving assistance for refugees and asylum seekers
The Community Day Center (CDC) is a multi-service centre where refugees are provided appropriate support based on a comprehensive needs assessment. Vulnerable persons include those experiencing gender-based violence, unaccompanied or at risk minors who receive social assistance along with psychosocial support, community-based care arrangements with appropriate host families, economic assistance and health and legal support. Basic necessities are also distributed based on need. In 2023, 400 adults and 184 children were reached by MHPSS services through both individual and group sessions. 541 cases were supported with assistance for gender-based violence; 1417 minors received child protection services; 290 people of concerns were hosted under the Community-Based Care Arrangement (CBCA) system and 2943 were provided with cash for protection.
Resilience program
Through this project, CESVI is implementing a community-based approach focused on Baity community centers and community schools/centers by providing non-formal education to all children dropping out of school, remedial classes inside the community center for children enrolled in public school, and cash assistance for children to access education. Also, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities are conducted with the aim of providing support to children affected by crises and conflict. The overarching goal is to sustainably improve access to inclusive and equitable quality education for IDP, returnees, refugee migrants, and host community children and adolescent in a safe space that can help them recover from traumatic events.
In 2023, 1018 were provided with non-formal and formal education activities while 1334 children, including boys, girls, and adolescents, accessed specialized mental health and psychosocial support through schools and community centers, Also, 92 ECW-supported teachers/administrators demonstrated increased knowledge of Psychosocial Support (PSS) in education.
Improving Health Services and Psychosocial Support for Children in Libya
The objective of this intervention is to increase access to quality health, protection, and psychosocial care services for girls and boys in Libya, including children with disabilities, working in the pediatric wards of two hospitals in Sebha and Al Kufra. Child-friendly spaces have also been included in these hospitals offering PSS support and CFS activities for children. It also includes a localization approach in that it includes capacity-building for pediatric care staff in hospital and local CSOs around topics such as mental health and psychosocial support for children and caregivers, child protection, safeguarding and persons with disabilities. In 2023, mental health and psychosocial support training of trainers (ToT) was provided, 56 were reached by mental health and psychosocial support training (MHPSS) and 81 by child protection training. 2 service mappings were carried out and 2 child friendly spaces were set up.
Youth-Centered Dialogue for promoting Peace and Justice in Libya
This projects aim is to contribute to peace and stabilization in Libya by supporting equity in gender norms and attitudes, focusing on the education system. Together with the Ministry of Education, awareness around gender equity is taking place in schools in order to mainstream curriculum that includes an equitable approach. CSOs will also be involved in order to reach as many students as possible through training and education on gender equity.
Emergency Response to Flooding in Libya
In September, the East of Libya was hit by a large scale natural disaster, Storm Daniel. In response to this crisis, CESVI is supporting through two projects.
One project provides assistance to affected persons and communities through the distribution of NFIs (hygiene, clothing and dignity kits along with education kits, heaters and blankets). A cash voucher system was also put in place to support affected persons with access to basic necessities. In 2023, a total of 5922 NFI and shelter items were distributed and 408 education kits were distributed. Also, 2035 were reached by cash distributions.
Through another intervention, CESVI is providing psychosocial and protection support to affected children and adults. This is being provided in a static and mobile Child Friendly Space (CFS) and through static and mobile Psychosocial Support (PSS) for affected children and adults in Derna and the surrounding areas. CESVI has also taken a localized approach by supporting CSOs and has been involved in capacity-building training for CSOs and partner organizations on topics such as: child protection, mental health and psychosocial support and safeguarding. 1200 children are indicated to access the CFS and 1920 individuals will benefit from PSS sessions and 30 frontline workers will be trained in capacity-building MHPSS topics.