The 2017 Annual Report of Cesvi has come out.
The Annual Report is the main tool we use to share a detailed and transparent information on our annual work with all our stakeholders.
Certified by an independent audit company, it describes how, where and with which results we invested the funds collected during the financial year.
As shown in the Report, Cesvi is present in 20 Countries worldwide to fight against hunger and inequalities, and it works in 6 areas of intervention: food security, protection, response to emergencies, inclusive and sustainable growth, governance and health.
In 2017, Cesvi reached about 800,000 beneficiaries through 109 projects for a total investment of 30 million euros (Africa 42%, Asia 22%, Latin America 14%, Mediterranean area 16%, Italy 6%). Out of every euro raised, 88 cents go to the field.
The Report provides an overview on all our programmes, country by country. A specific section focuses on our new projects against child neglect and maltreatment in Italy.
Our commitment to communication, campaigning and advocacy activities is drawn up at the end of the ‘Stakeholders’ chapter, together with the description of the main fundraising challenges and the work to enhance our human resources.
For further information, download here the 2017 Annual Report.
Photo Credits: Alberto Prina