‘The situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic and continues to worsen: famine is looming and children are starving. We never imagined that we would have to bring life-saving food to the gates of Europe,’ said Roberto Vignola, Deputy General Manager of CESVI Foundation. We at CESVI have recently brought 18 tonnes of Plumpy’Nut to Gaza […]
ContinueOne year after the earthquake in Türkiye ans Syria
One year has already passed since the catastrophic emergency that struck Türkiye and Syria last February, literally shattered by multiple earthquakes that affected 14 million people and caused over 50,000 casualties and more than 100,000 injuries. The stories of those who lived through this tragedy remind us of the fragility of life, but also how […]
ContinueFloods in Pakistan: our response to the climate crisis
In 2022, during the monsoon season, Pakistan experienced one of the worst humanitarian disasters in its history. The torrential rains, up to 5 times more intense than the average of the last 30 years, combined with the rapid melting of glaciers caused by an anomalous heatwave, led to violent floods that submerged a third of […]
ContinueHumanitarian emergency in Morocco and Libya: CESVI’s intervention kicks off
In just three days, North Africa has been hit by two very serious natural disasters that have brought Morocco and Libya to their knees respectively: a 6.8 magnitude earthquake and storm Daniel. Our operators on the ground report “devastated towns, entire villages completely destroyed and beyond the reach of rescue services. Tens of thousands of […]
ContinueThe Prem Rawat Foundation with CESVI to respond to the Earthquake Emergency in Turkey and Syria
TPRF, once again, alongside CESVI to give support to those who need it most and in particular, now, to the people affected by the earthquake last February 6th, in Syria and Turkey.
ContinueEarthquake Emergency in Türkiye: an unprecedented humanitarian disaster
Stay by our side. Donate to the Earthquake Emergency in Türkiye. A little over 3 weeks have passed since the strong tremors devastated Türkiye and Syria and the numbers are those of an unprecedented humanitarian disaster: 17 million people affected, 50,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands injured and over 1 million people with no homes […]
ContinueEarthquake in Türkiye and Syria: 17 million people affected, more than 60,000 buildings rendered uninhabitable
1 million people have nowhere to go back to. Help is urgently needed. Continue to support us by donating here. “The crisis in the areas hit by the earthquake will go well beyond the three-month state of emergency that has been declared: it is essential to provide long-term material and psychological aid”. Raising the alarm […]
ContinueEarthquake in Türkiye and Syria: CESVI prepares to bring aid to affected population
A devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7,8 struck southeastern Türkiye and northern Syria during the night. The earthquake, also felt in Lebanon – a country where we have been operating since 2001 – had its epicentre in the city of Gaziantep, about 90 kilometres from the Syrian border. The number of dead and wounded continues […]
ContinueCESVI and Tvboy in Ukraine for a message of peace and hope
A child placing a sunflower in the barrel of a rifle; a yellow-blue dove clutching an olive branch in its beak; flowers growing in a military helmet; an elderly man walking hand in hand with a child, while the words ‘Hope’ and ‘Future’ are repeated like an auspicious mantra. These are some of the 15 […]