The Cesvi way for keeping children safe

Cesvi has always been committed to combating all forms of violence against children, and it does so even when children’s security from harm is threatened by Cesvi’s operation or staff malpractices. For this reason, Cesvi adopted a comprehensive system of policies and procedure to guarantee children are safe and our staff never takes advantage of […]


Eurochild for children’s rights

Amazzonia Peruviana

Eurochild launches a petition to gather signatures supporting a new role at the European Commission – a Commissioner for Children in the next mandate of the European Commission 2019-2024.


A new life stems from education in Iraq

The prolonged conflict in Iraq between government forces and their allies on one side and the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) on the other, has left a devastating legacy. It is not just a matter of damages to infrastructures and services, but also and above all, of injuries on people’s minds and hearts. Even in those […]
