Fight to pandemics (Aids, malaria, tuberculosis) where they are severe: Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.

BEST, Bergamo Sport and Territory, a project for a healthy and safe sport

The BEST – Bergamo Sport and Territory -project is about to start. It has as protagonists ATS Bergamo, Volley Bergamo 1991, CESVI Foundation, Magic Mirror, and Bergamo Police Headquarters, and has as its objective the protection of children and is aimed at creating a child safeguarding policy in the field of volleyball. The work of […]


Palestine: a safer home for Rima and her family

The people of the Gaza Strip, more than 2 million people at present, have been living with war for many years: trapped in this densely populated strip of land, at the mercy of shelling, without a safe place to take refuge and without access to welfare services and basic means of livelihood, many Palestinian civilians […]


We were in March, some years ago…

Eravamo nel marzo di qualche anno fa

“We were in March, some years ago. One day, around mid-afternoon, a mini bus almost full of people rushed in the Jazeera Health Centre, located about 20km out of Mogadishu. There was a pregnant woman in final labour contraction, ready to deliver her baby. We immediately put her in a birthing room, but I soon […]


Cesvi and Rires’ resilience approach in Libya on Child Abuse & Neglect journal

A great achievement rewarding the fruitful collaboration between Cesvi and the Resilience Research Unit (Rires) from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). The prestigious scientific magazine “Child Abuse & Neglect” has published this December the article “Principle-driven program design versus manualized programming in humanitarian settings”, authored by Francesca Giordano from Università Cattolica and Michael Ungar […]


Our commitment against Covid-19 does not stop

Cesvi publishes the report describing its commitment during the Covid-19 emergency. Download it here to find out about all of the actions implemented to tackle the pandemic in Italy and in the world. Covid-19 has returned to scare the whole of Italy. The epidemic does not stop and the numbers continue to rise exponentially, making […]
