Created by Valerio Nicolosi, produced by LifeGate and CESVI, the six episodes, available on major streaming platforms from 20th May, narrate the effects of five missed rainy seasons in a region where the population used to live off pastoralism and agriculture, but now has nothing left. In Borena, since the beginning of 2021, over half […]
ContinueIn Somalia to help the malnourished population
With an ongoing climate crisis and low rainfall always in the last months of 2022, Somali people are facing the most severe and longest drought in decades. Like Hibaaq, that, after many troubles, managed to start a small business.
ContinueWorld Earth Day
On the day when we celebrate our Planet, we share a case study on resilience to climate change in agriculture. Find out more.
ContinueWater is life
In Haiti drought puts the most precious good in danger. Read the story of Luckna.
ContinueSomalia: helping the Bantu minority
Deeq Sahal, farmer in Garaash village, has benefited from Cesvi e BRCiS aid program in the Beledweyne province.