Bergamo, 20 April 2018 – “I am glad to announce that Gloria Zavatta has been appointed President of Cesvi” – says Giangi Milesi, former President who has led the NGO for almost 13 years facing many challenges within a changing and often complicated national and international scenario. “After the designation of Daniela Bernacchi as CEO of Cesvi in 2015, this choice reconfirms that we strongly believe in the guiding power of women to make a difference in our governance”.
With a 25 year-experience in the integrated management of environmental and social dimensions of manufacturing and service businesses, Gloria Zavatta is now a manager in the public sector with a strong expertise in sustainable development matrixes, sustainable reporting and managing systems. She is also specialized in the organization of international events with a sustainable approach, such as Expo Milan 2015 and the Olympics in Turin in 2006.
“I am honored and moved for this designation” – explains the new President Gloria Zavatta – “I had the possibility to touch the concrete impact of Cesvi actions on the ground during a recent journey in Africa. I know the passion and transparency of this organization, and its commitment to humanitarian aid and development cooperation. I hope I will be up to it, and I am sure that I will be strongly supported by all the team”.
The Board of Directors has been completely renewed, too, and it is now composed of Daniele Barbone, Daniela Bernacchi, Luisa Bruzzolo, Roberto Caselli, Dino Pozzato, Sergio Vicario and Gloria Zavatta.
Gianvito Martino has been appointed as a Garantor while the other positions remain the same.
Special thanks to Giangi Milesi for guiding our organization for so many years with a strong sense of innovation, and best wishes to the new President Gloria Zavatta for her new challenge.