75,000 urgent health devices are coming to Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital thanks to Cesvi’s charity initiative.
Coronavirus emergency doesn’t seem to stop, the disease is spreading all over the country and is killing many people, mostly in the north of Italy. Bergamo is the province of Northern Italy with the highest number of infected people, currently 3,760, and its region, Lombardia, is the most affected territory (10,900 people).
Cesvi’s charity initiative, started on the 10th of March to support Bergamo Hospital’s intensive care unit, has overcome 500,000 euros. An important result that many people, companies, VIPs and our ambassador Cristina Parodi, the promoter of the initiative, made possible.
Now it’s time to make everyone’s effort concrete: Cesvi has just made its first order of 75,000 urgent health devices for Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital.
“We are very happy to actively collaborate with Dr. Stasi, Bergamo Hospital’s Director, in order to meet the needs of the hospital” Gloria Zavatta, Cesvi President, said.
Cesvi has just ordered equipment worth 80,000 euros through its specialised suppliers, which have already worked very well with Cesvi in many previous humanitarian emergencies.
In a few days, the hospital will receive:
- 600 polycarbonate visors
- 200 goggles
- 200 overlapping polycarbonate glasses
- 4,000 filtering masks FFP2 with or without valve
- 1,000 filtering masks FFP2 with valve
- 15,000 surgical / filtering mask for S.O.
- 4,000 non-sterile reinforced waterproof scrubs
- 50,000 non-sterile powder-free nitrile exploration gloves
Other orders, more ambitious, will follow this first one. The next step is the purchase of mechanical ventilation units, very sofisticate health devices that will help patients with serious respiratory crisis. Cesvi will buy them through UNHRD, an HPC (Humanitarian Procurement Centre) certified by EU Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).
Many thanks to the people working with us to support Bergamo hospital and the city. However the emergency is still very serious in our country, especially in Bergamo territory.
We still need everyone’s help to support Bergamo Hospital and all the affected population.
You can help us fight Coronavirus emergency in Italy in many ways:
- Donate online here
- Donate by Bank transfer to Cesvi Bank account: Cesvi EMERGENZE: IT92R0311111299000000000095
- Take part to the crowdfunding campaign on Gofundme platform here
- Donate by phone calling 800 036 036 (credit card)