Earthquake in Central Italy: our response

 A violent earthquake hit Central Italy on Wednesday 24th of August, trapping residents under ruins, killing 294 people and leaving thousands homeless.

The earthquake struck in the early morning (3:36 am) when most people were asleep, destroying homes and blocking roads in the area of Rieti which is located about 140 kilometers east of Rome.

The earthquake caused damage in three regions – Lazio, Marche and Umbria – and was felt as far afield as Naples.

“We are in contact with some partners and the Department of Civil Protection on the ground to assess the situation and define first aid and medium-term interventions, particularly for the distribution of school kits and the psychological support to children and other vulnerable categories” – says Giangi Milesi, president of Cesvi.

“We have often worked in similar scenarios for instance in Haiti and Nepal, and are ready to put our expertise at disposal of our Country”.


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Photo Ansa