Cesvi and the Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) had established a partnership in order to cooperate with in the implementation of the “House Hold Water Filters Evaluation” project.
The project idea is based on the installation of five models of domestic water filters – 150 filters overall – aimed to purify the water in Masafer Yatta area. The intervention will be implemented in cooperation with the cadres and laboratories of the Alternative Energy and the environment Research Unit, besides with the environmental engineering technology graduates. Several water tests will be done to determine the efficiency, robustness and simplicity of use of the five water filters in an emergency context.
Cesvi will provide all equipment and consumables to collect and test samples, in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). The University is leader of the global research project supported by ELRHA – Humanitarian Innovation Fund. Researches’ work will tend to unify the mechanisms of collecting and testing samples in different countries, to compare the results and help humanitarian workers and filters makers in choosing more efficient models in emergency contexts.
The same project is already on-going in Kenya and Somalia. Cesvi manages the testing process in Somalia too.
The partnership with PPU is part of the University policy in open new networking and cooperation with governmental and non-governmental community institutions for local community services. PPU’s activities are supported by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS).
Photo: Cesvi’s delegation meets PPU staff.