Central Italy: we support breeders

Marco, allevatore di Amatrice, ha ricevuto da Cesvi una mungitrice e un frigorifero per lo stoccaggio del latte. Foto di Roger Lo Guarro.

New earthquakes and the extremely cold temperatures that are battering Central Italy are putting more distress on breeders in areas affected by the earthquakes of August 24 and October 30. Cesvi, in collaboration with Coldiretti Rome-Rieti, is implementing a project to support breeders and encourage the resumption of production.

11 breeders significantly damaged by the earthquake received new machines to produce and preserve milk, namely 4 fix milking machines, 4 mobile milking machines and 9 milk refrigerators. The new equipment enables farmers to milk and store the milk to be delivered to retailers, even in emergency cowsheds set up after the earthquake.

In Amatrice, about 90% of the stalls were damaged and many farmers still carry out their activities in unsafe or uninhabitable structures. The new equipment provided to farmers are a real help to continue production.

In an area where the economy is predominantly agricultural, the damage to local farms amounts to millions of euros. The risk of abandonment of the countryside is high, so it is essential to support individual farms and contribute to a material and social reconstruction process.

“The first goal is to provide immediate support to farmers and ranchers who have courageously chosen not to leave their homes and their businesses – said Giangi Milesi, President of Cesvi – The donation of new equipment is a first, necessary help to businesses affected by the earthquake who need to restore possible their normal production flow as soon as possible”.

Cesvi is also engaged in psycho-educational support to schools and families in the province of Ascoli Piceno. The project, titled “A resilient school” is promoted in collaboration with the Provincial Educational Office of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo and SIPEM SoS Marche, an association of psychologists specialized in emergency. The goal is to encourage the resumption of normal school activities in quake-hit areas, accompanying children on a journey of overcoming the traumatic situation and providing parents and teachers with the tools to recognize and respond to a possible distress.

Donate Now!

Many companies have already contributed to Cesvi projects in support to areas affected by the earthquake in Central Italy; their contribution to local entrepreneurships  and to the future generations is important to help restarting the economy and the community life, having back a good return in terms of media visibility and employees endorsement.

If your company is interested in supporting our projects, please contact:[email protected] or +39 035 2058061


Photo by Roger Lo Guarro