“Clean water at our doorstep”

A couple of children laughing and playing while collecting clean water from the collection point rehabilitated by Cesvi in the village.

In June 2014, instabilities in north-western Pakistan forced over 5 million people into displacement, leaving their homes and all their belongings in the hope of finding shelter and safety in neighbouring regions. Among them, there were also the 2,320 inhabitants of the small village of Gul Akram Kot, in North Waziristan. Following the unrest, they […]


Haiti: The deep wounds of a country that needs our help

Terremoto Haiti 2021

Sono 650.000 le persone che hanno bisogno di assistenza umanitaria di emergenza a seguito del terribile terremoto che due settimane fa ha colpito il Paese. Il popolo di Haiti necessità di servizi essenziali come acqua, cibo, servizi igienici, ma anche di protezione. Aiutaci a portare soccorso.
