Alisha comes from a difficult family, she is the daughter of an abusive father who abused her mother. Since that day Alisha and her mother have been guests of our House of Smile they are regaining serenity and the ability to think about the future.
ContinueIt takes a community to raise children: a story of redemption from the Casa del Sorriso in Naples
In the Houses of Smiles around the world and in Italy, our operators help children and mothers in difficult situations every day and have stories full of hope to tell. Like Lucia’s story. “Thanks to the Case del Sorriso program I was able to make my children understand the importance of school and today my eldest daughter is in her fourth year of high school”.
ContinueAt Christmas with Fineco and CESVI!
Fondazione CESVI is among the non-profit organizations benefiting from the Fineco Christmas solidarity campaign, together with three other important organisations. From today until 12 January 2023, anyone who wants to donate will be able to contribute together with Fineco to carrying out CESVI projects in support of the Houses of Smile in Italy.
ContinueKIDULT and CESVI FOUNDATION, together in support of the Houses of Smile
The world of Kidult jewels of the Mabina Spa company has decided to support CESVI in our intervention in support of the Houses of Smile in the world by donating 20% of the turnover generated by purchases made on the site:
ContinueSegafredo and Fondazione Zanetti Onlus with CESVI to give a smile to the children of the Manguinhos favelas in Brazil
“A smile for Brazil” is the solidarity initiative supported by Segafredo and the Zanetti Foundation Onlus to contribute to the House of Smile di Manguinhos of CESVI, in Rio de Janeiro, a meeting and welcoming place that has become a point of reference and a real oasis of serenity for all children and young people who come from violent backgrounds.
ContinueAs a limit, the sky
In Peru, a fundamental component of the House of Smile project consists in the job placement of the beneficiaries, who are adolescents and young mothers with a history of violence and abuse, often without any family support. We talked about it with Glenda Quiroz, a job placement specialist in Lima within the CESVI project.
ContinueNews from Cape Town
It is common, during the summer months, that CESVI cooperators engaged abroad spend a holiday in Italy and spend a few days at the Bergamo office for business meetings and greetings to colleagues. On one of these occasions Samuele Silva, CESVI contact person in South Africa, told the main news regarding Philippi’s Casa del Sorriso (not far from Cape Town), the CESVI project which aims to offer, as well as welcome and protection to young people mothers who are victims of domestic violence and their children, the possibility for them of a path of rebirth and redemption that also includes looking for a job and obtaining economic independence.