Climate emergency: CESVI stands by Pakistan, one of the countries most affected by the climate crisis

According to the United Nations*, the last eight years have been the hottest ever: rising global temperatures and climate shocks are deepening the vulnerability of entire populations around the world, contributing to the escalation of a dangerous cycle of lack of livelihoods, increased displacement, and impact on the spread of disease. In 2023 alone – […]


Floods in Pakistan: our response to the climate crisis

In 2022, during the monsoon season, Pakistan experienced one of the worst humanitarian disasters in its history. The torrential rains, up to 5 times more intense than the average of the last 30 years, combined with the rapid melting of glaciers caused by an anomalous heatwave, led to violent floods that submerged a third of […]


Flood emergency in Pakistan: with People In Need to ensure women’s dignity

The year 2022 was a terrible year for Pakistan marked by the worst flooding in the country’s history, which was one-third submerged by water. A humanitarian catastrophe that well represents the increasingly devastating effects of the climate crisis: since the beginning of summer 2022 torrential rains – up to 5 times more intense than the average of the last 30 years – have hit the Region.
