The Global Hunger Index, GHI, is a statistical tool for collecting data on famine in the world and malnutrition in various countries.
Read the full report and synposis of the 2023 Global Hunger Index.
The Index has been adopted and developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) which published it for the first time in 2006. The German NGO Welthungerhilfe and the Irish Concern Worldwide, European partners in the Alliance2015 network, collaborate in the annual production. Since 2008, the Italian edition is curated by Cesvi.
The Index classifies countries on a scale of 100 points, where 0 represents the best possible value (absence of hunger) and 100 the worst. The higher the value the worse is the state of nutrition of a country. Values below 9.9 show a very low incidence of hunger, while from 10 to 19.9 the value is moderate. Values from 20 to 34.9 show up a serious situation of hunger, while values from 35 to 49.9 the situation are alarming. Above 50 the problem of hunger is to be considered extremely alarming.
The GHI combines four indicators:
- the percentage of population that is undernourished;
- the percentage of children under five that are emaciated (inadequate ratio between weight and height);
- the percentage of children under five with growth delay (inadequate ratio between height and age);
- the mortality rate for children under five.
Every year the Index focuses on a specific theme that represents the multidimensionality of the “hunger” problem and possible solutions – as well as updating the data on hunger in the world at regional, national and local levels. The most recent editions have focused on the link between hunger and human health, climate change, forced migration, inequalities in the access to food and resources and the theme of hunger in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
2023 Global Hunger Index – The power of youth in shaping food systems
2021 Global Hunger Index – Hunger and Food Systems in Conflict Settings
The 2021 Global Hunger Index presents a worldwide moderate level of hunger with a global score of 17.9, improving since 2012 when the global score was in the serious range. However, in many regions, the progress is too slow and hunger remains acute: 1 country registers an extremely alarming level of hunger, 9 countries present alarming levels and 37 countries fall in the serious category.
After decades of decline, the percentage of malnourished people in the world is on the rise: In 2020, around 10% of the global population is undernourished, accounting for 811 million people, 121 million more than 2019. Among them, there are 155 million people in a state of acute food insecurity, 20 million more than the previous year.
Africa South of the Sahara and Southern Asia remain the regions with the highest levels of hunger in the world, with a score of respectively 27.1 and 26.1. In both areas, hunger is at a serious level because of the high percentage of undernourished people and the high rates of child wasting and stunting.
The 2021 GHI highlights that the 2030 deadline for the Second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), known as Zero Hunger, is at risk of not being met: at the current pace, globally and for 47 countries – 10 more than in the previous edition – it will not be possible to even reach a low level of hunger in the Severity Scale.
Ever more plentiful and prolonged, armed conflicts remain the main cause of hunger in the world. Hunger and war are tied up together. Violent conflicts have a devastating impact on food systems because they harm them in every aspect, from production to consumption. And prolonged food insecurity is one of the most severe legacies of war. At the same time, the rise of food insecurity can contribute to violent conflicts.
Turning the tide is still possible. Even in a hostile global environment, the links between conflict and hunger can be broken and the world can make the most of food systems for advancing peace. At once, it is essential to address conflicts at a political level and to implement the international humanitarian right sanctioning who violates the human right to food, e.g. by using hunger as a weapon of war or leaving the most vulnerable with no access to humanitarian aid.
Read the full report and synposis of the 2021 Global Hunger Index.
2020 Global Hunger Index – One Decade to Zero Hunger: Linking Health and Sustainable Food Systems
The 2020 Global Hunger Index presents a moderate level of hunger with a score of 18.2, improving with respect to 2000 when the global GHI score fell in the serious range. However, in many regions the progress is too slow and hunger remains acute: 11 countries register alarming hunger levels and 40 countries belong to the serious category. The percentage of malnourished people in the world is stable, but the absolute value is on the rise: in 2019 8.9% of the global population was malnourished, representing 690 million people. Sothern Asia and Africa South of the Sahara are the regions with the highest levels of hunger (scores of 27.8 and 26). In both areas, the level of hunger is serious because of the high proportion of undernourished people and of the high child stunting rate.
From the 2020 edition emerges that the Second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), known as Zero Hunger is at risk of not meeting the 2030 deadline: at the current pace, 37 countries will not even reach a low level of hunger in the Severity Scale.
The COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent economic recession and the devastating consequences of climate change are aggravating the food and nutritional insecurity of millions worlwide. In fact, the number of people exposed to famine and hunger could double.
The One Health approach presented in the 2020 GHI, based on the aknowledgement of the interconnections between human beigns, animals, plants and their shared environment, in addition to the aknowledgement of more equal trading relations, highlights the necessity to holistically deal with the multiple challenges we are facing to avoid future health crises, heal the plan and eradicate hunger.