Since 2002 Cesvi has been part of the European network Alliance2015, composed of 8 NGOs from various countries which, because of their size, are held to be among the “big” of humanitarian aid.
The Alliance, set up in 2000 in the context of the Millennium Objectives, aims to combat world-wide poverty solidly and effectively, cooperating in the poorer countries with development programmes and promoting awareness campaigns in Europe aimed at the general public.
This undertaking is carried out in the framework outlined in the Sustainable Development Objectives.
The Alliance2015 organisations are: Cesvi (Italy); ACTED (France); Concern Worldwide (Ireland); HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Switzerland); Hivos (Holland); People in Need (Czech Republic); Welthungerhilfe (Germany). Associated member: Ayuda en Acción (Spain).
The partnership between these NGOs occurs through working together and sharing individual experiences and know-how. Alliance2015 is not meant to be a “monolithic block”, but rather operates as a flexible network which respects the differences between the partners and gains strength from them.
Thanks to membership of the network the 8 organisations can share a common space for dialogue and exchange of best practice, giving a major impact to the field projects and higher levels of transparency and accountability.
All together the Alliance2015 NGOs are present in 89 countries throughout the world reaching 50 million people and carrying out 45 joint projects with a total budget of 1 billion euros.