Over the years we have had the good luck to meet a number of show people who have chosen to support us.

They are our celebrities, trusted friends who have been with us in many battles and still spend their energies with passion to give voice not only to our work but especially to our beneficiaries, those to whom we our work is dedicated, so that they may have a better future.

They are actors, comedians, journalists, well known faces and voices of Italian television, cinema and theatre, people of high standing on the artistic scene, thanks to whom we have been able to tell of our work in the field, the challenges, the endeavours, but also the successes of our thirty year story. With their help we have turned the spotlights on the harsh realities in Africa and Asia, but we have also completed projects and enabled thousands of people to build, step by step, a better life.

Together we have fought for food security and the right for food, against AIDS and malaria, we have protected women and children from violence, helped young people restart their lives in foreign countries, defended the environment and native peoples, faced up to natural and socio-political catastrophes.

Special thanks to Alessio Boni, Claudio Bisio, Lella Costa, Cristina Parodi and Giorgio, Gabriele and Furio of the Trio Medusa, and a thank you to all the others who have given us their kind support along the way, and to those who will come.