A strong research and monitoring activity is the key to a successful project.
Figures and evidence can support the definition of a model that could be replicable and suitable to other contexts.
In this section, we collect the most relevant reports and field case studies related to: Governance, Child Protection, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Rural Development and Migration.
Leaving no one behind. The BRSSS story
The story of the Backward Regions Scheme Support Sangha (BRSSS), a community based organization, empowering people in a hundred villages from the most backward regions of North Karnataka, India – 2016
The aim of the project is to empower people to access public services, reducing poverty and social exclusion in five districts of the North Karnataka region, India. The project has four pillars and represents a model to enhance good governance. The Clarity in the vision, internalized by the communities; the Capacity Building at individual and community level; Social Inclusion and Gender Justice with a focus on the vulnerable groups and women; Institutionalization with representatives of the targeted villages in government departments.
Child Protection
PEARLS for children
From 2020 to 2022 CESVI implemented PEARLS for children, a project funded by the European Union that aimed at fighting and preventing child maltreatment in Italy, in Lithuania and in Poland. The project’s activities lead to the definition of a shared strategy to combat the phenomenon within the Bergamo Territorial Area as well as to the delivery of capacity building sessions that reached approximately 300 professionals belonging to medical-health, education, social services and law enforcement fields. Moreover, various publications were created: 3 prevention and awareness-raising materials on the topic (10 rules on child abuse and negligence, Parents are made not born, Talks), Training slides on the Tutors of Resilience model drafted by the Resilience Research Unit (RiRes) of the Università Cattolica of Milan (project partner) and the strategic document for the fight and the prevention of child maltreatment in the Bergamo Territorial Area (available just in Italian).
Resilience-focused Case Management: A manual for frontline workers
For Cesvi the humanitarian intervention should be focused on the mobilisation and reinforcement of the protective factors, resources and skills that help to promote resilience. The manual Resilience-focused Case Management: A manual for frontline workers – developed with the support of the consultancy of Francesca Giordano and Alessandra Cipolla members of the Resilience Research Unit (RiRes) of the Catholic University of Milan – is designed to support case workers in Cesvi Foundation and in other organisations that are seeking to adopt a resilience-focused approach in the provision of protection services to strengthen the wellbeing and the resilience of children and adults who have experienced traumatic events.
Supporting Children with Disabilities in Somaliland – 2012
In Somaliland, children with disabilities face acute protection issues as lack of education and sexual violence. Cesvi’s intervention and assessment aim to reduce and identify factors of vulnerability, with a survey methodology, which includes household surveys and focus groups at all levels: community leaders, families and children. A clear assessment and a qualitative information are key to future interventions.
Between theory and empirical evidence. Pathways to Good Practices in Building a Child Labour Free Kenya – 2014
In Kenya, Cesvi worked for the eradication of all forms of child labour, which is an important component of the informal national economy. The project aimed to establish Child Labour Free Zones through prevention, response (removal and protection) and reintegration of children into safe life conditions. The innovative approach consists in developing corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions and public private partnerships (PPP) to fight the worst forms of child labour and achieve high ethical standards.
Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
Solid Waste Management in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – 2019
In the Occupied Palestinian Territory, solid waste management is a relevant challenge. This report analyzes the main actors involved and the policy and legal framework. Moreover, it also analyzes the generation and management of different waste streams, such as municipal, commercial and industrial, including hazardous waste. The report is the first document with a comprehensive picture of the situation regarding the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and, as much as possible, East Jerusalem.
Evaluation of the project Improvement of environment and hygiene conditions of the community of Shu’fat refugee camp – 2018
In refugee camps in Palestine, Cesvi develops environment and WASH projects. This paper is an evaluation conducted in the Shu’ fat refugee camp to underline positive aspects, challenges and opportunities of the project. Thanks to the theory of change approach, the solid waste management in Shu’fat refugee camp in Palestine becomes a way to improve the environmental conditions and a tool for the social inclusion.
The report analyze the energy access features of the households living in the Area C of the Hebron Region. Access to electric energy, heat for cooking and for space heating are rated and evaluated in order to highlight the main issues raised. The results are clusterized according to the availability of infrastructures, such as electric grid, water network and paved road, of each community. This cluterization allows to predict the level access to energy of a community before conducting interviews. All the communities have access to electric energy but use unreliable and unefficient appliances. The main issues regard the energy for space heating and cooking, which work on appliances that present serious hazard for health and burn a fuel that have a considerable impact on the household economy
Rural Development
From Subsistence Agriculture to Commercial Enterprise: Community management of green technologies for resilient food production. (Research paper) – 2015
The paper underlines the innovative approach to irrigation used by Cesvi in Zimbabwe enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security in the long-term. A successful model that has allowed the shift from a subsistence agriculture to a sustainable and commercial one, thanks to the use of new technologies and private public partnerships increasing the resilience of the rural communities.
Shashe Irrigation Scheme: An Inspirational Zimbabwean Model of resource management – 2016
In a semi-desert region of Zimbabwe, the Cesvi’s intervention implements an irrigation scheme within a rural agricultural development strategy, and creates a replicable model. The key factors to success are farmers’ ownership, the creation of private public partnerships that contributed to the shift from a subsistence agriculture to a community-based commercial enterprise, the use of new technologies and the improvement of food security in the targeted area.
MEET – Mentoring Experiences to Empower territories
Cesvi is testing the “Migrant Mentoring” (MM) approach to strengthen the educational and relationship skills of women, encouraging relationships with other families, schools, and other services. After three years of work, Cesvi feels it is time to reflect on the MM’s achievements, issues, and challenges, so as to learn more about different social contexts and engage community members in the program activities. Cesvi chooses to seize the opportunity offered by EPIM through the Joint Learning Initiative program to exchange good practices, involving three European organizations experienced in mentoring programs. This compendium arises from the mutual exchange of experiences with the other partners and it’s a brief guideline address to all those who wish to read an introduction to implement migrant mentoring programs.
Cesvi has been present in Libya since 2011, as one of the first INGOs intervening in the country after the start of the Arab Spring. It has implemented programs that supported IDPs, refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, through service provision that has included protection activities, non-food item (NFI) distributions, outreach, awareness-raising, psychosocial support, referrals to external services, and cash assistance.
The two following needs assessments in Tripoli and Benghazi and in Misrata are a starting point for future interventions.
Rapid needs assessment in IDP camps in Tripoli and Benghazi – 2016
This assessment intends to capture the priority needs of the IDP communities surveyed in 9 Libyan sites in the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, in order to ascertain the presence of specific vulnerabilities and protection needs. With the objective of ensuring adequate mainstreaming of protection principles in all the sectors covered (respectively: Education, Child Protection, Health, Livelihoods), the assessment examines the access of IDPs to services. The findings will be used to inform effective planning and action, particularly with regard to protection assistance and psychosocial support of IDP children and youth.
Needs Assessment of Iraqi, Palestinian, Sudanese and Syrian Communities in Libya (Misrata) – 2017
This assessment aims to identify the main risks and vulnerabilities within the Iraqi, Palestinian, Sudanese and Syrian Communities. The findings confirm that the refugee communities have the same vulnerable groups, particularly impoverished households, large families, children and youths, orphans and children with a sick or absent parent, and people or households with a family member who has a disability. It is an important source of information for planning future interventions in the area.