To contribute to the meeting of the new Sustainable Development Goals Cesvi takes part in various organisations and networks in Italy and in Europe, where the single experiences are made available for everyone, to promote social change.
AGIRE is a network of 9 Italian NGOs which, since 2007, have been working together to give the best and fastest response possible to the most serious emergencies in the world. Thanks to the donations from private citizens AGIRE manages to give solid help to the people who have to face up to wars or natural disasters.
So far there are 14 countries where AGIRE has intervened (Nepal, Philippines, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Haiti, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh) and 11.3 million people have received help thanks to the funds received from 38,000 donors.
AGIRE has also contributed to the creation of the Emergency Appeals Alliance (EAA), a network that includes all the Emergency Committees. The main scope of EAA is the sharing between the large networks of capacity, instruments and good practice for the launching of effective and high impact appeals in response to the emergency.
LINK 2007
LINK 2007 is a consortium coordination association which comprises 12 important Italian NGOs. The final objective of the consortium is to bring about a qualitative improvement in development cooperation, taking part in international debate, enhancing and safeguarding the capital of values and skills held by the NGOs.
LINK 2007 also means network cooperation, necessary to meet the challenges to cooperation that call for various and complementary knowledge and analysis skills. Hence the meaning of Link 2007: the networking of the capital of organisations that for decades are committed against poverty and for the development of peoples.
The Italian alliance for Sustainable Development (AsviS) was set up on 14 February 2016, on the initiative of the Unipolis Foundation of the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, to increase awareness in Italian society, among the economic subjects and in the institutions, of the importance of the Sustainable Development Agenda, and to motivate it to achieve the Sustainable Development Objectives. The Alliance now brings together more than 120 of the most important institutions and networks of civic society.
The mission of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development is also to bring into the network those who already deal with specific aspects included in the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs in order to:
- encourage the development of a culture of sustainability at all levels, aligning models of production and consumption to that end;
- analyse the implications and the opportunities for Italy within the Agenda per sustainable development;
- contribute to the definition of an Italian strategy foe reaching the SDGs (also using analytical and previsional tools to help in defining policies for sustainable development) and the setting up of a system for monitoring the Italian progress towards the SDGs.
The Italian Coalition against Poverty brings together more than 70 organisations, associations, trades unions and Italian and international non-political movements. The principle aim of the coalition is to give voice to the requests and needs of the countries in the southern hemisphere, so that these petitions may be recognised and taken up by the European Union, the international community and the 7 richest countries in the world, being added to the final documents drawn up by G7. The Italian coalition against poverty is also known as GCAP, acronym for Global Call to Action Against Poverty.
CONCORD ITALIA is the Italian platform for connection to CONCORD, the European confederation that represents 1,600 NGOs and civil associations that work in cooperation towards development and humanitarian aid. This body has, in recent years, earned itself a credible and legitimate role representing the European civic society committed to development themes at the Community Institutions, in particular at the Parliament, the Commissions and many member states.
The platform represents some 40 Italian ONGs at CONCORD.
The Platform’s objectives are :
- to represent CONCORD at the Italian institutions;
- to guarantee in Italy the distribution and the consequences of the documents produced within CONCORD
- to stimulate at various levels and with various tools reflection and discussion between the political entities and civic society on the themes debated at the European level;
- to favour, promote and incentivise the participation of its members in the debate on international cooperation and the development policies at European level.
CONCORD Italy, although intending to supply important information, is not an European provider of services for NGOs but rather a platform that aims to express a political position and take part in campaigns and European initiatives and make it possible to process information and take part in wider debates.
Generation Nutrition Eu is a coalition of civil society organisations – among which Cesvi and Allliance2015 – working to end malnutrition in all its form.
Members of the coalition work in different sectors and different countries across the globe but are united in supporting european leadership in the fight against malnutrition, ensuring adequate and effective nutrition interventions which are firmly grounded in human rights and which leave no-one behind. Generation Nutrition believe the world can be freed of malnutrition within a generation and that the Eu has a unique and critical role to play in this endeavour.
Download Generation Nutrition’s leaflet.
The Italian Monitoring Body on Global action against l’AIDS, set up in 2002, is a network of 13 Italian NGOs active in the fight against AIDS and poverty.
The monitoring body was born under the conviction that AIDS represents one of the most serious obstacles to the development of peoples, with the aim of creating a networking service for comparison, information, analysis and monitoring of the interventions in the fight against AIDS in developing countries and to create a common channel for the political action promoted by the NGOs on themes relating to political choices on human rights, institutional positions, health policies.
The body aims to contribute to the creation of new Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, with particular attention to the themes of global health and the fight against the AIDS-TBC-Malaria pandemics.
Over the years the body has established a relationship of collaboration and consultation with public institutions, first of all with the Direzione Generale for Cooperation towards Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It takes part in the activities of national and international networks (Forum of Italian civilian society on HIV/AIDS: GCAP – Global Coalition Against Poverty, GFAN – Global Fund Advocates Network).
The working group for the convention on the rights of childhood and adolescence (gruppo CRC) is a network currently composed of 91 Third Sector bodies which have been actively working for some years for the promotion and protection of the rights of childhood and adolescence and is coordinated by Save the Children Italy. The Gruppo CRC was founded in December 2000 with the primary task of preparing a report on the implementation of the Convention on the rights of the Child (CRC) in Italy, supplementary to that of the Italian government, to be submitted to the UNO Committee on the rights of childhood and adolescence under the United Nations High Commission on the rights of the child. The report is directed to Government representatives, Local Authorities, as well as members of parliament in the hope that each institution may try, within its own field of competence, to improve the policies for childhood and adolescence in Italy.