Seven years after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, population’s conditions are still dramatic. According to the OCHA’s Overview, dated November 2017, more than 13 million people living in the country require humanitarian assistance. Among them, 5.6 million are in acute need “due to a convergence of vulnerabilities resulting from displacement, exposure to hostilities and limited access to basic goods and services”. However, recognitions do not consider the bombing escalation of the last month that hit Eastern Ghouta, a suburb close to Damascus.
The Syrian conflict represents the origin of the most massive displacement of people ongoing around the world: in September 2017, 12.6 million was the total number of displaced people. More than half of them are internally displaced, whereas the other 5,6 million fled out from Syrian borders, taking shelter mostly in the neighboring countries. OCHA estimates that, in 2017, 721,647 Syrians returned to their country even if, in the majority of the areas, there were neither safe living conditions nor human dignity respect.
One of the countries that received the highest number of Syrian refugees is Lebanon: in June 2017, UNHCR reported more than 1 million of people registered. The high number of refugees undermines the economic stability and negatively weight on the already precarious infrastructures and services, resulting in an ongoing situation of emergency.
Cesvi has been working in Lebanon since 2001 and, since 2013, has been directing huge efforts towards the situation of emergency given by the Syrian refugees’ presence. At the beginning, implemented projects were directed to meet the primary needs; then, they became long-term measures with the aim of promoting social cohesion between Syrians and Lebanese and facilitating the economic inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.
Both in Chouf and Saida, Cesvi provides professional training to more than 300 young people that are engaged in payed internships, which allow them to develop practical professional skills. In the same area, Cesvi offers couching and counseling to 10 micro/small/medium businesses.
In several regions of the country, another project about socio-economic inclusion towards young Syrians and Libanese is ongoing. Its activities, carried out in partnership with AVSI and VIS, involve professional training for more than 1.100 teens, refresher courses for teachers and educators and recreational activities for the community planned and managed by the young people groups.
Cesvi’s commitment is directed towards Syria, supporting the efforts of the NGOs partners of the Alliance2015 network.
In the event of the anniversary, the network strongly reiterates the importance of humanitarian aid for the population and advises against refugees’ returns because of the ongoing situation of conflict.
Follow the hashtag #SyriaNotSafe on Twitter to read Alliance2015’s messagges on the anniversary of the Syrian crisis.
Photo: Giovanni Diffidenti