The unsustainable development trials are an educational format to bring students (but also the citizenship) closer to the concept of sustainable development.

The method of the format permits reinforcement of the critical analysis capacity of students and teachers on global topics, It helps cooperating for a research activity, starting from trustworthy and verifiable sources, a critical synthesis. It envisages a detailed study of good practice that the communities must apply in defence of the resources of their territory and in the sustainability of both production and consumption. The method permits the concept of legal truth to be analysed in depth, beginning with an analysis of the situation bearing in mind rights and duties, and stimulates the acquisition of awareness that change depends on our consumption and life style choices.

The Process is organised as an American hearing: prosecution and defence sided on opposite positions attempt to convince the President of the Tribunal and the People’s Jury of the guilt or innocence of the accused.

The students are involved as protagonists of their research activity in developing theses and charges, both for the prosecution and defence of the chosen accused raising the awareness of their class mates on the topics under discussion. Thanks to this direct involvement the students learn that the defence of the environment and protection of mankind (and of its development) are strictly interdependent, since man is part of the ecosystem.